The hubs and I disagreed on the children not having chores. He wanted them to take responsibility in the household, and I wanted them to just have enough respect for me when I asked them to do something, they did it. I wanted my family to have no 'worries' of household duties.
This situation has been tossed around back and forth for at least the last 5-6 years!
Then last year, the kids started asking for an allowance.
We have always bought what the kids need, and let's be honest, my kiddos are pretty spoiled with wants also. My Papa always says, "Why say no, when you could say yes!" And for the most part, we basically agreed. I have no problem buying my kids a candy bar for being well behaved in the store, or grabbing a $0.50 coke just because. I can't tell you how many times we go to Sonic for happy hour drinks and slushes. $3.50 for a Rt. 44 DP, three small slushes with candy in them, and happy momma and kids? Yes, please!
But, they wanted their own money. They wanted to spend their own money. They wanted to save their own money. And so, the search for the best option was underway.
If you know me, you know I will research the heck out of something that I don't have an answer for. And so it was with the dreaded chores and allowances.
"What chores should I give them? You know you're a control freak, Kristyn, they won't do it right and then you'll have to go back and do it anyways. How much do these little turkeys need? How much do they want? What are the benefits of chores and allowances?"
Budget Binder Printables from 30 Handmade Days |
We had to decide what chores the kids would do, and how much allowance they would get.
First, I asked the kids what they would like to do to help out around the house. It was amazing to see that they did actually want to help. They were excited even. Kaylie chose to do laundry. Warren wanted to dust, and Hunter wanted to sweep. See, Kristyn, this won't be so bad...
I read a few different blog posts, and spoke with other parents about kids, chores, and allowances. What I came up with was this:
- We, of course, will still provide all necessities and some treats. However, little nick knacks from the dollar store, and candy at the grocery store, etc. are now their choice to buy with their money.
- Large wanted items, such as an Ipad (Kaylie) require 50/50. If they save/raise half of the wanted item, we will cover the other half. This has been the greatest thing to watch them grow and learn to manage. So far the kids have had lemonade stands, garage sales, and most recently Kay auctioned off a painting!
- I do not require them to save any of their money at this time. I do encourage it, and remind them often of trips or activities coming up that they might want extra money for.
- The kiddos will get paid every Sunday morning for the previous week's work. We have spoken with our kids about tithing and the importance of giving back to God what he asks of us. If we take the tithe right off of the top, and give it to God right away it is a lot easier to hand it over. Also, they don't have to keep up with the tithe money over the week(end).
- The children are paid half of their age. So, currently Kay (10) gets $5.00, Warren (9) gets $4.50, and Hunter (7) gets $3.50.
- They each have five daily chores.
- They each have responsibilities that are required as well. These are not 'chores', they are for personal and health growth.
- If they do not get all of their chores done in the day, they lose $0.50.
The kids' basic responsibilities include brushing teeth, cleaning their rooms, and putting their dirty laundry in their hamper before breakfasts. They also shower and put their clean clothes away after I fold them in the evening.
Their chores are divided into morning and evening chores as well. Here are the chores we have for now. With age comes more responsibility.
- Gather towels and clothes, and start a load clothes from the kids' bathroom
- Clean counter and toilet tops in all bathrooms
- Vacuum family and sun room
- Help with dinner one night a week
- Load dishwasher after dinner
- Unload dishwasher after breakfast
- Clean sun room and straighten school items
- Clean family room
- Help with dinner one night a week
- Dust family and sitting rooms
- Fold and put away the clean kids' towels
- Wipe down table after breakfast
There you have it, besides this list, if I ask my kiddos to do something I expect them to do it and do it with a good attitude. We are a family; we live together, work together, and help each other. Yes, we have melt downs, we have bad attitudes, mommy gets cranky sometimes, and ya know what- that's okay. We remember that we get to start all over tomorrow and we can choose to make better decisions and have better attitudes.
- Set table for dinner
- Wipe down table and sweep dining room floor after dinner
- Gather shoes from the back door bucket and put away
He loves us so. Be blessed my loves.
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