Sunday, February 21, 2016

So You Think You Can Menu Plan

Menu Planner from Happily Hope
I have not always been a stay at home mom. I loved my full-time job, but when both of us worked life was just way too busy. The laundry piled up (more so than now ;) ). I was getting off of work later than Bill. I felt like I never got to see my husband and kids. As a result of our crazy schedules lots of little things were just falling short, and dinner was... well, let's just say it was less than good. Time for a change. When I cut back to a part time job, I decided to give menu planning a go.

Starting out totally sucked! 

I was wayyy overwhelmed. My sister and I looked online, checked out books from the library, and asked other mommies who used a menu plan. If you know me, you know I will research the crap out of something until I get the answer I want. This was no exception.  

That being said, my hope with this post is that if you are looking to get into menu planning this will be your one stop shop! I have found some amazing resources over the years, and I hope that they help alleviate some of the stress associated with menu planning. Menu planning is a process. It takes some time, especially getting started. Once you have your general information gathered, the process gets quicker each time!

So, here is where I would suggest starting:

1. Lists. 
Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Start listing meals that you and your family eat. List meals that you would like to try also! Here are some suggestions:
Family Input. I asked the hubs and kids to each pick three of their favorites. Crockpot Meals. I picked about twenty crockpot meals, soups, etc. Favorite Staple Meals. Add to the list whatever you can make without having to look at a recipe. Tacos, spaghetti, breakfast-for-dinner, etc.
2. Printables 
These resources are my menu planning life!
-Master Grocery List: I use the first one listed, and love the variety of options from
-Blank Idea Pages:BreakfastLunch, and Dinner, these are the exact ones that I use from Homemade by Carmona!
-Weekly Menu Planner: I love, love, love this one from Happily Hope!

3. The Great Mash Up
Week 1
This video will show you how I started using a menu plan. Ursula Carmona over at does an amazing job at giving us great printables and ideas! Use different resources, check out new sites, find what works for you and blend it together! If you're interested, here is the Week 1 Menu for my house!

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